Tax Collector

The tax collector collects taxes on real estate levied by Royersford Borough, Montgomery County and also the Spring-Ford School District. Payments can be made at 620 Pine Street, Royersford.

2024 County/Borough Real Estate Tax & 2024/2025 Spring-Ford Area School District Tax:
-The first of the two Real Estate Property tax bills is issued in February. The second tax bill (the bigger one) is sent in July.
-Payments received on/after 12/15/2023 MUST be in the form of a certified funds.
-To avoid lien, all payments MUST be received or USPS postmarked by 12/31/2023. Payments received or postmarked after 12/31/2023 are turned over to the Montgomery County Tax Claim Bureau for lien.
-Receipts are only given when the ENTIRE bill and self addressed stamped envelope are included with the payment.
-If you need to request a duplicate copy of your tax bill, please mail or drop off your request with a fee of $5/bill.

OFFICE HOURS @ 620 Pine Street:
Wednesday’s: 10-11am
Dec 12: 10-11AM
Dec 14: 10-11AM & 5-6PM
Dec 27: 10-11AM
Dec 28: 5-6PM
Dec 29: 10-11AM

*Disclaimer: Hours are subject to change. Please check the “Amy Billetta – Royersford Tax Collector” Facebook page or listen to the tax collector’s voicemail (610-948-6210) for updates.

Personal appointments can be scheduled as well, please call (610-948-6210) or email Amy Billetta to set up.

Drop box available at all times at 620 Pine Street, Royersford to drop payments off. Receipts are only provided if the entire bill and self addressed stamped envelope are included.

Payment methods:
-Personal Checks accepted until 12/15, then certified checks only.

-Or mail payment to:
Amy Billetta, Royersford Tax Collector
620 Pine Street
P.O. Box 574
Royersford, PA 19468
Phone: 610-948-6210

Fee Schedule


The earned income/wage tax is a 1% tax imposed on every Borough resident for wages and net profits earned. The tax is split evenly with the Spring Ford School District and is collected by Berkheimer and Associates. Questions regarding the Earned Income Tax can be directed to Berkheimer at 800-360-8989 or


The Local Services Tax is a local tax payable by all individuals who hold a job or profession within a taxing jurisdiction imposing the tax. It is due quarterly on a prorated basis determined by the number of pay periods for a calendar year.. The total LST tax paid by any individual in a calendar year is limited to $52, regardless of the number of taxing jurisdictions in which an individual works during the year.

All employers located within Royersford Borough must withhold the new LST Tax at the annual rate of $52 for all employees with annual gross income in excess of $12,000. Of the $52.00 withheld, $5.00 is forwarded to the school district.

If you are self-employed and your business or practice is located within Royersford Borough you will be responsible to pay the LST Tax at the annual rate of $52.

The tax is collected by Berkheimer and Associates. Questions regarding the Local Services Tax (LST) can be directed to Berkheimer at 800-360-8989 or

Tax Certification Fees can be found on page 5 of the Fee Schedule.

Welcome to Royersford Borough's website.