Code Enforcement Officer

Paul Labe III
300 Main Street
Royersford, PA 19468
610-948-3737 ext. 102

Office Hours

Monday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


State Law requires that any person excavating to a depth greater than eighteen (18”) inches, must call the PA One Call Center at 1-800-242-1776 to notify them of the location. PA One Call Center will then notify all utilities in the area so they may come out and locate their facilities.

PA Law requires a three-day notice to give the utilities time to mark out the facilities unless the excavation is an emergency. If you damage an underground facility, you may be liable for damages if the PA One Call Center is not first notified.

You cannot demolish any building for commercial development without notifying DEP. You can get the notification form at, go to asbestos. Any questions call (484)250 5920.


A Use and Occupancy Permit is not required prior to the sale of residential properties; only commercial properties and new construction. The purpose of this permit is to verify that the current or proposed use of the property complies with Zoning and Building Codes.

Royersford Borough has adopted Ordinance #809 regarding Real Estate Registry. All properties sold in the Borough must register their deed at Borough Hall up to 2 days after registering at Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds.
Deed Registration Form


No permit is required to have a yard sale. Do not post yard sale signs on utility poles or street signs.


Dogs are not permitted to run at large and must be licensed. License applications are available at Borough Hall. If your dog must defecate on public property or private property of another person, be considerate, and clean up after your dog.


Regular mowing required so as not to exceed six inches.


Sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours after cessation of snow. Clear a path of at least 30 inches wide. It is illegal to plow, blow or throw snow from the sidewalk onto the street. First Violation: $50; Second Violation: $75; Third & Each Subsequent Violation(s): $100


Trees overhanging sidewalks must be trimmed to a minimum of 10 feet and a minimum of 12 feet for streets.


Property owners are responsible for the construction or replacement of curb and sidewalks.

Concrete curb and sidewalks must be repaired or replaced if any of the following conditions are present:

  •  More than twenty-five percent (25%) of the surface of a sidewalk section or slab is deteriorated.
  • More than twenty-five (25%) of a section of concrete curb has deteriorated.
  • A section or slab of sidewalk having a crack width in excess of one-half inch (1/2”) at any one point along a length of one foot or greater.  Cracks of a lesser width may be filled with a sealant material.
  • A section or slab of sidewalk out of vertical or horizontal alignment when pedestrian safety is in question.
  • Curbs out of horizontal alignment with adjacent curbs in excess of one-half inch (1/2”).  Curbs out of vertical alignment when pedestrian safety is in question.
  • Evidence of structure failure of curbs or sidewalk, as determined by the Borough Engineer or his authorized representative.
  • Any other instance which may create a pedestrian safety hazard, as determined by the Borough Engineer or his authorized representative.
  • All curbing and sidewalk must be replaced in compliance with Borough specifications.


§ 475-22 Fences and walls.
[Amended 8-12-1986 by Ord. No. 667; 7-28-1992 by Ord. No. 728; 2-28-1995 by Ord. No. 741; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
A. Front yard. Any fence located in the required minimum front yard of a lot in any zoning district shall:
(1) Be an open-type fence (such as picket, wrought iron, vinyl post, chain link or split rail) with a minimum ratio of 1:1 of open to structural areas; and
(2) Not exceed four feet in height.

B. On a corner lot, a fence or wall shall meet the same requirements along both streets as would apply within a minimum front yard. However, a fence that only extends behind the rear of a dwelling may have a maximum height of six feet along one of the streets, other than the street that is along the front of the dwelling.

C. A fence located in any zoning district in a location other than a required front yard shall have a maximum height of six feet.


A complaint form needs to be completed in order to have an accurate account of the complaint/concern. The borough requires the complainant’s name, address and phone number in order to process the complaint. The borough must follow legal procedures in order to resolve these matters, and at times these procedures may be quite lengthy. However, the borough will do its best to resolve the matters as soon as possible.

It is always good policy to communicate with your neighbor first when there is a problem. Most residents prefer to have a neighbor approach them personally instead of receiving a notice from the borough.


Welcome to Royersford Borough's website.